Call for Works:
Orphic Zine, 1st edition
Deadline to submit: TBA
Please send submissions to
Theme: A Perpetual Vigil
The first issue of Orphic Zine chronicles ecstatic expressions on the nature of our dying world and its infinite possibilities of rebirthing new intersected realities. We envision a renewed earth, a world built on cooperative community, mutual aid, respect, justice and reparations that enables healing, regeneration, equanimity and sustainability.
For this first issue we seek contributions that reflect one’s relationship to the Dead and the process of Death, the Underworld/Otherworld/Beyond, psychopomp magic, shamanic time and realm travel. Mediums: Word, Imagery, Sound (see below)
Word magic, spellcraft, incantation or invocatory prose, poetry, hymnals are welcome. Written content must not exceed 1000 words. Please submit in PDF form.
Celluloid photographic work, digital images, collage, sculpture, drawings, paintings, film stills and short films* no longer than 5 minutes are welcome. Please submit in jpeg, ping, mp4 form.
Soundscapes, experimental audio, field recordings, originally composed music and songs are welcome. Please submit in aiff or wav form.
*Moving images and sounds will be published online via the website, and will be listed in the print version of the zine.